
in sanctuary and home, should echo the greatness and glory of God. Church music, whether congregational, choral, or children, should be a constant declaration of our Creator and Savior. Weekly, music is focused on what God has done and is currently doing in the hearts and lives of the people in Parkers Chapel.


The Parkers Chapel Choir

The adult choir, comprised of over 95 singers, serves as a focal point of the music ministry. Singing in both Sunday Services, the choir seeks to motivate and lead in the corporate worship of the church. There is no requirement to join except church membership and a heart that desires to worship the Lord in sincerity.


During the year, the choir has three major seasonal performances. These include Easter, Independence Day, and Christmas. Christmas is the highlight of the choir calendar. Each year brings a new program-a full choir concert featuring the church orchestra and children’s choir, or a dramatic production with actors and theatrical lighting.


As a church, we believe God deserves excellence in everything we do. This is no more evident than in the music ministry. From weekly choir practice to music education workshops, we strive to give God and our congregation our best as we develop our gifts for the Lord.

The Parkers Chapel Orchestra

In 2013, the music ministry began the process of creating an orchestral ensemble to accompany our choir.  Today, the ensemble contains traditional orchestral instruments such as piano, violins, trumpets, clarinets, flutes and orchestra percussion and more contemporary instruments including guitars, bass and drums. Each week, the group provides music for Sunday services, choir accompaniment.